Rohit Ads-A reputed Advertising agency in Mumbai
Rohit Ads – a reputed advertising agency in Mumbai in India. Our advertising services includes: Logo designing, Brochure designing, Web designing, Newspaper ads, Hoardings and Bus panels. For the past 34 years the Rohit Ads team has been helping companies to build their business through a full range of integrated services including advertising and communications, brand experience, design and consulting, direct marketing, outdoor media , wide format digital print and web solution. Our vision to understand the power of creative ideas and our expertise in implementing it consistently across all media sets us apart .Our role as an active partner in the building of a corporation is the reason why our clients stay with us. From creating powerful concepts to analysing promotional results, we cover the entire advertising & promotional gamut of your company’s marketing strategy. We offer an end-to-end effort that has a very clear goal – a sizeable rise in your sales and in your brand equity. We provide best advertising services by creating unique ideas which will make your name-a brand name.
Welcome to the world of advertising.
Welcome to Rohit Ads.